The pop-up camper

The big problem with traveling is leaving the dog at home, unless, of course, you take the dog with you. That’s a bigger problem.

And we had this deranged idea of going to South America. Flying from country to country is not ideal. We wanted to avoid putting the dog in a cage and trusting her to a baggage clerk. Even if we flew in our own plane we would have no transportation when we got to our destination. That meant we had to drive.

We considered the best vehicle. We needed to be able to sleep in it. South American hotels are not dog-friendly. Take our Subaru and a tent? Spiders and creepy things can crawl into the tent and the dog tracks sand into the bed.  Buy a Land Rover and get a rooftop tent? The dog doesn’t do ladders. The vehicle can’t be too big. It has to be able to fit in a container to be shipped across the Darien Gap.

Somehow we decided on a truck with a pop-up camper. After comparing every pop-up available, we decided on an Outfitter Caribou-Lite and a Toyota Tundra.

And today we got the camper:

The dog was running in circles

The dog was running in circles

Meet the camper. We were so excited that we were out taking pictures in the dark.



We’ve been driving mostly east up until now. After getting the camper we’ll be heading south.

One thought on “The pop-up camper

  1. Great looking rig. Capi looks incredibly comfortable. I hope the two of you are able to find a comparable level of bliss! Safe travels – I’ll be checking in.


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